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The Boston Red Sox gave us quite a ride in 1999, and I'm glad to have been on it. This page was inspired by the nice Boston fans near the front of Bleacher Section 36 who were kind enough to hold up their "Sock it to the Rocket" banner during the ALCS Game 3 even after it was apparent to the most obnoxious Yankees bandwagon member that in this game Roger was still playing for the Red Sox.

Thanks to the Red Sox for doing better than a lot of us expected in late June: With a few minor changes (like a consistent home run hitter, a middle reliever, and a better 4-3 DP) we could win the World Series in 2000, which educated Bostonians know is the true Millenium! (written 10-16-00)

Thanks also to Tom for the chance to witness history (we all miss him!), all my friends who visited Fenway, the nice, friendly Red Sox fans in Section 36, and Smashmouth for turning their stage equipment around to play for the bleacher fans prior to the 1999 All-Star Game.

If you like the photos, or just want to say "Hi!", let me know.

1 9 9 9 - A L C S - P H O T O G R A P H S
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Totally Stoked for the All-Star Game!
graphics/thumbs/_2bros1.jpg, 2.9K
256 x 384
It's History & Tradition: Let's Not Tear it Down!
graphics/thumbs/_plaque.jpg, 2.4K
262 x 438
A Totally
Devoted Fan!

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512 x 715
Lovebirds In a Field of Dreams...
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727 x 520
Roger's Best Outing for the Red Sox Yet!
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724 x 520
We're all set for NY's Game 3 Butt-whipping!
graphics/thumbs/_nhbguys.jpg, 2.7K
724 x 520
Art Imitates Sport
graphics/thumbs/_ldsmural.jpg, 2.2K
688 x 265

'nuff Said!
graphics/thumbs/_nucurse.jpg, 2.4K
248 x 346
...there's always"Next Year"!
graphics/thumbs/_panobro.jpg, 1.6K
841 x 286

top | Photos | QTVR Panoramas | 1999 ALCS Game 3 | BoSox index | Main index

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(PS: Like Joe Torre, I was alsorooting for Altanta!)
